Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I'm Blogging!


I figured why not...everyone else is doin' it! HAAAA! I sit here with a 101 degree temp. (was 103 earlier) and coughing up a lung...I needed something to keep me up. Why do I need to stay up when I'm obviously sick? I have 3 children I have to take care of. Where is my husband and why isn't he watchng them so I can get some rest???...well...he's in Orlando at a trade show for the week. I called him earlier today and told him about my miserable self. He said there is just no way he could come home until Thursday morning. He was doing a presentation for like 300 people and his boss's boss's boss. Don't get me wrong...I am NOT dissing Michael! He works his hinney off! I'm sure he feels horrible that he can't come home and would in a second...but he can't...that's the way it goes.

Soooo...back to staying up! For a split second I thought...hmmmm...I could just give the kids Benadryl and they would be asleep in no time. Just Kidding...I would never do that! But I did want them to go to sleep asap! So what's the first thing I do...PRAY!!!!! It's the first thing I always do! You should try it! You wouldn't believe the miracles that can happen! Can I get an AMEN!!!

So I pray..." know know I can handle a lot...but right now, I really need some strength! Just a little extra push to stay well enough to watch my miracles you gave miracles that would never have happened if it wasn't for you Lord! Thank you lord for all the wonderful blessings in my life. Amen."

Now...about 30 seconds later...I think to myself...I'm gonna get online, search around to see if I can find something that interests me...something to stay awake. I come across this blog about a single mother raising 2 autistic boys...with no help! But yet she has this amazing spirit. What a woman! My life seems like a breeze compared to hers. So I think...I'm gonna start blogging. It will help me relieve some about my thoughts...and STAY UP! It's now children are now in bed, and I'm still writing. I could be in my bed right now...but I'm still typing away. Thank you Jesus for giving me strength!


Stephanie Sifuentes said...

Yay! i will be the first to leave a comment! I overheard these ladies at the gym talking about the exact same thing and one, instead of benadryl gave her son melatonin! Why not, i take it every night!

Par said...

Amen Sister!!!! Girl I love your blog, keep me in the mix. Prayer is the best gift of all. I am at the other end of kids, these 4 grandchildren are a real joy. I still do it alone alot and by bedtime it gets pretty intense! I pray!!! There is just no better gift than taking all our concerns to our Father. Hallelujah, we serve a Risen Savior!!!! I love you Dawn.


Anonymous said...

Dawn, here's a BIG AMEN forr you! Been there, done that...and trust me you will survive and there IS life after kids. I, like Marsha, am at the other end, only I am anxiously awaiting those precious grandchildren! I know they will come in God's time, so in the meantime, I have a beautiful 11 month old grand puppy, Riley. He is a yorkie and I keep him every day. Also, I am blessed to spend one to two days a week with my precious 2 year old great niece, Violet, she is becoming quite the handful as well. But I am getting good practice for having my own grand babies!
Hang in there girl, keep giving ALL your cares to the Lord and keep blogging. We enjoy reading them, and it will keep you sane!
Love you and miss you Dawn!

Krisinda said...

You need to update!!! :) Hope you're enjoying the holidays. Wanna meet at Starbucks sometime?